Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Home Made Tofu / The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association Recipe

This recipe is not published anywhere else I far as I can tell. I took the painstakingly task to review the video published on youtube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7uPmsArokCY)

Several times and write down the recipe. The video is very worthy to be seen.


600 gr. (21 oz) soy beans 20 gr 0.7 oz edible anhydrous calcium sulfate.

250 ml lemon juice can be used as tofu coagulator to replace calcium sulfate.



Cheesecloth and containers


Heavy object

Cleanse the soybeans and soak in water for 6 hours in summer or 12 hours in winter.

You need:

Soaked beans

4200 cc water

Blend the soybeans in several portions.

Filter milk from the soy with cheesecloth.

Cook the soy milk for 10 minutes over medium heat till the fragrance is noticeable. Keep stirring the milk while cooking.

Turn to lower heat and continue cooking untill boiling.

Measure temperature: The ideal is 85 F if calcium sulfate is used and 40 F if lemon juice is used. Use 20 gr. calcium sulfate with 250ml water or use 250 ml lemon juice (without water) as coagulator.

Mix water and calcium sulfate evenly. Pour the coagulator in a container and shake well

Hold the soymilk 60 cm above the coagulator and quickly pour into the container.

Do not move or shake the container and let the mixture set for 5 minutes until the soy pudding is set.

Cover the mold with a big piece of cheesecloth. The mold has to have the ability to drain water.

Gently break the soy pudding into pieces and put into the cheesecloth in the mold.

Cover with the cheesecloth.

Close up the mold and put a heavy object on top of the mold.

Leave the weight for 25 minutes for soft tofu, 30 minutes for medium soft and 35 for hard tofu.

When the tofu is ready, remove the mold.

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